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About Our School

History of Prairie View Elementary

History of Prairie View Elementary

North Prairie School
  • 1840- First school in North Prairie, held in the loft of a home.
  • 1843- $150 raised to build school on current site.
  • 1909- Sixty-eight students in eight grades became the first school community.
  • 1911- Second room added. Each heated with its own stove.
  • 1916- A basement was dug beneath school and a furnace was added.
  • 1929- Electricity installed.
  • 1929- PTA formed.
  • 1930- Money borrowed and red brick building built.  Total cost:  $19,758.61.
  • 1931- One acre of land purchased to enlarge the playground.  Music program begun with teachers from Carroll University.
  • 1933- Weekly Reader introduced.
  • 1944- Teacher's salaries were $1,575 per year.
  • 1952- First telephone installed.
  • 1953- First Hot Lunch Program begun.
  • 1954- Two more classrooms added to make a four room school.  Steps and sidewalk installed partway down the hill by the Lion's Club.
  • 1955- First movie projector purchased for the school.
  • 1957- School busses first used.
  • 1959- Gym, stage and six classrooms added.  First fulltime principal hired.
  • 1966- Kindergarten added during spring semester.
  • 1968- South addition to the school built.  Fulltime librarian hired.
  • 1988-1989- Major renovation to building, students attend classes at different sites throughout the district during construction.  Enlarged enough to accommodate 3 sections per grade level.
  • 2001- Computer lab updated.  Thirty stations for students to utilize.
  • 2012- Building renovation over the summer.
  • 2019- Building renovation to include a secure entrance and vestibule.